
At the last GMC meeting, the Grand Master discussed his concept for an online Saint Lazarus International retail outlet for clothing and other merchandise.

We are excited to announce that the brand new St Lazarus Collection is now live.  It offers a range of casual clothing for adults and children, as well as homewares and other items.

You can access the store at


The Saint Lazarus Days held in Athens on December 6 to 7, 2024 were a great success. H.E. the Grand Master Don Francisco de Borbón Graf von Hardenberg GCLJ and the Grand Commander of the Order the Chevalier RADM Kenneth P Moritsugu GCLJ honoured us with their presence together with representations of Brothers and Sisters from the Grand Commandery of the Castello - Malta and the Grand Priory of England and Wales.

On Saturday 7 December 2024, a delegation of Dames and Knights of the Grand Priory of Italy attended the opening of the "Bottega della Carità" (charity shop) in Mortara (Pavia).

On Saturday 30th November the annual meeting of the GASAP (Gruppo Automoto Storiche dell'Arma “Pastrengo” - Historic Automoto Group of the Arma “Pastrengo”) was held in Verona.

A delegation of Knights of the Grand Priory of Italy, led by the Grand Prior H.E. Gen Basilio GCLJ, General of the Carabinieri, took part in the event.

On the weekend 29-30th November the vigil and investiture took place in the historic Tyniec Benedictine Abbey (Krakow). We were honoured by the visit of H.E. Don Francisco de Borbon, Graf von Hardenberg GCLJ, Grand Master and guests from the Grand Priory of Slovakia - Stanislav Holák GCLJ, Milan Čavajda CLJ, Rudolf Králik KLJ

The 2024 autumn investiture and gathering of the Grand Priory of Finland were traditionally held in Helsinki. The investiture ceremony took place in the historic Uspenski Cathedral, where three new members were welcomed, and seven members were elevated.

The University of Malta (UM) in collaboration with the International Academy of the Order of Saint Lazarus is launching an online course on the History of the Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus. Prof Charles Savona-Ventura together with visiting lecturers, will be conducting this online course which is open for participants who reside either in Malta or in other countries.

The course commences in February 2025, however applications close on 31st January 2025. The weekly two hour sessions between February and June 2025 will be held online every Sunday.


On Sunday 20 October, a celebration was held in San Colombano al Lambro (Milano) to commemorate the 122nd anniversary of the birth and the 15th anniversary of the beatification of Blessed Don Carlo Gnocchi.

The sun shone brightly as members of the Order of St Lazarus from the four corners of England and Wales gathered in Cardiff for their autumn Investiture weekend.

The Order has donated the sum of Eur 24,000 from the Grand Hospitaller's Flagship Project Fund supplemented by dedicated donations made by some individual jurisdictions. The donation is necessary in order to support the very essential refurbishment project being undertaken by the Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition in Saint Louis Hospital situated just outside the old walls of Jerusalem.
